Friday, October 21, 2005

Cira La


what the hell are we looking for
on grayhounds, in economy cars
couches and drugged doorways?
when I dreamed the devil and I
got a tattoo in A small rural oregon town
I felt no sence of grand adventure
I did feel alienation when I rolled off your body
and couldn’t remember my suicidal mantra.
I know you, now. who the hell am I?


he stopped an earthquake
I began.

the point I tried to make last night

see I slept alone for a long time
and woke up stupid and brave.
now I wake up tired
because I would sleep forever
next to you.
As bad as I am
and could be
as bad as you’ve been
and are entitled to be
to be is to be.

A balad for tomorow

Rage against
rage agaianst
the maachine
second hand baby boom
college dorm room schroom
political balad
and tosed salad
it aint political to stink
it aint political to stink

Rage against
rage agaisnt
the machine
seattle rampage
starbucks window stage
political theme
lets get ice cream
it aint political to stink
it aint political to stink

Rage against
rage against
the machine
no drive volvo
volkwagon no go
political pamflet
never read hamlet
it aint political to scream
it aint political to scream

rage against
rage against
the machine
suburb hypocrite
you is one; you called it
making money
anti money
it aint political to fucking suck
it aint political to fucking suck

rage against
rage against
the machine
for sale
never read alex hale
spare change
facial rearange
it aint political to drink (but its fun)
it aint political to drink

“La, love it or leave it.
I hate it so much I can’t believe it.”

Much of america is the same
simple comerce and intersections
cars and loans
owned by boomers
or anti boomers.
I am an empty handed child,
surrounded by bread
Much of america is the same;


so im in an la mood
nonsense is fuel
and clint eastwood’s career
is a reality tv show
and nonsense is fuel.
crossword clues
seem like statements
and a country fried steak
is hell.
meanwhile the crooks got away
as la disapeared from our
truck window.
im in an la mood
and im spouting jokes
that I thought I forgot
god, we deserve to be happy
God you too.

she gets me

She gets me.
She was mad at somthing
and the world.
And she said I was a sanctamonious writer
and she said:
‘write this down’
and puked.

she gets me pt. II

so I was franticly chewing
and writing a leter
and I coughed
and lost the white bread puree’ on my keyboard
and she said, ‘what’s wrong?’


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