Sunday, May 22, 2011

the beatles

the lingering importance of the Beatles...

or is it the increasing irrelevance of now.

there is a new gentle song i’ve never heard before;

the windshield wiper, rain

and screams muted as if into a pillow.

ultimately our lives are brief and irrelevant

but it’s a pity we live life knowing so.

in the city they’ve seen movies more gruesome than this

some have even quoted them in their thesis,


seeing a young fist

impale a radio

is the final homage

to ‘tomorrow never knows.’

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


in fact the mausoleum desk
is as spoken of as a beggar on the freeway.
it's the silence he left
that supplies the

did we break up?
we can’t really relate unless it’s in that awful
over lit
everything we had said and done was a lie
and all you have left
is this gas station
and old friends like me.

Thursday, May 05, 2011


it's one of those laws of physics,
if you take away some body's freedom,
you get a little piece of it to put out on your big lawn
next to the birdbath.
there's a piece of cat shit
behind it.
like the gym class knows
if they get some broken kid kicked out of PE
all the pieces of his joy
get thrown in the air like confetti.

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

at least

osama is dead
and this kid here is fourteen
and of all the distant men in his life
uninterested in the daily miracles, trageties
esplosive deadly romances (the fleeting thrill of adolecance)...
at least osama wanted him dead.

Sunday, May 01, 2011

Bukowski wrote about his Macintosh

Bukowski wrote about his Macintosh.
i think it’s apt the schools are buying Dells
because the shit don’t work,
at all.
So we’re going to learn about the Holocaust
once the computer loads. Once the computer unfreezes
were going to learn. Once this miserable giant expensive piece of shit
sucking power from the wall
decides it will actually do anything at all,
we will learn about the Holocaust.
class is over.
no wonder kids like technology.
computers like that are good because they teach you
nothing in life works
even though it’s expensive
and you better get used to it.
and your life, inspiration and youth is dripping away
as this brand new Dell doesn’t do shit...
it’s kind of like your drunk father.